
Showing posts from June, 2011

Install JohnCMS in Your Host

Confuse while installing JohnCMS in your host?, Here are some steps and requirement: Requirement: 1) version of PHP is not lower than 5.1 2) MySQL 4.1 or later version 3) Support. Htaccess Installing: 1) At the first, download script JohnCMS, usually in archive (zip). You can get here for rusian, and here for english or indonesian. 2) Upload or import this archive to your host via FTP. 3) Extract the archive. 4) Fill all the unpacked files to the hosting service . 5) expose a permissions 777: / Cache / Files / avatar / Files / photo / Incfiles / Gallery / foto / Gallery / temp / Library / files / / Library / temp / / Pratt / / Forum / files / / Forum / temtemp / / Download / arctemp / / Download / files / / Download / graftemp / / Download / screen / / Download/mp3temp / / Download / upl / 6) put the permissions 666: / Library / java / textfile.txt / Library / java / META-INF / MANIFEST.MF 7) Run the installer at http://your-do...

Share: Best Online FTP

File Transfer Protocol that we known it as FTP is file transfer from your PC or your devices to Online Hosting. To transfer your file, you need FTP software or Online FTP which can accessed by your internet browser. Bellow are the best ftp client based my experience: And one of the ftp server/host is Its used to browse your file in Thats all, thank you.

download cer and key without waiting

Every symbian lover will modify their smartphone look like their want. Before they could modify, they must hack their smartphone first. To do hack, they must have certificate and key based on IMEI of their smartphone. The site that provide this is (opda). There, every users must pay to download cer and key for their smartphone. But don't worry, I have little trick for that. Check this out. 1. Login to your account. 2. Click certificate tab. 3. Click apply certificate. 4. Fill the coloum. 5. Afterthat, click on my certificate tab. 6. In the table, look at the right, there are 3 options, "delete" "cer" "key". Copy the link of "cer" and replace check with down 7. It's the same way for "key". Ok, this is what you must do. Notebook: to download by mobile phone, you can use operamini 4.2. Download here Good Luck!

Kelapa dan segudang manfaatnya

Pohon kelapa dan buahnya mempunyai sejarah panjang di Indonesia, bahkan merupakan lambang atau pengenal kepulauan Indonesia. Yang menarik, dalam mitologi Hindu dan menurut Kitab Suci Weda, kelapa merupakan "pohon surgawi." Konon, Dewa Wisnu, membawa pohon kelapa sebagai sumber kesehatan, ketenangan, panjang usia, dan kedamaian. Pohon kelapa dianggap suci, dan berperan penting dalam semua upacara keagamaan. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, hampir semua bagian tanaman kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan. Salah satu produk dari kelapa adalah airnya, ternyata dalam larutannya, air buah nyiur ini punya khasiat dan nilai gizi yang luar biasa. Bukan hanya unsur makro berupa nitrogen dan karbon, tetapi juga unsur mikro yang sangat dibutuhkan tubuh ada di air kelapa. Unsur nitrogen di dalamnya berupa protein yang tersusun dari asam amino, seperti alanin, sistin, arginin, alin, dan serin. Dibandingkan asam amino yang terdapat di susu sapi, asam amino yang terkandung dalam ai...